Who Benefits from Climate-Friendly Agriculture? The Marginal Returns to a Rainfed System of Rice Intensification in Tanzania

TThe AFAERE Annual General Meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday 30th November 2020 at 14h00GMT. Current and prospective AFAERE members are welcome to attend. Agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa faces a multitude of challenges arising from land degradation, climate change, and limited access to improved technology. In this context, technologies that raise farmers' crop productivity while mitigating risk exposure are particularly valuable. This study assesses the impacts of a modified, rainfed variant of the system of rice intensification (SRI) on expected yields, yield variance (variability) and yield skewness (exposure to downside risk) in Tanzania. The appeal of the technology [...]

AFAERE AGM and Elections


The AFAERE Annual General Meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday 30th November 2020 at 14h00GMT. Current and prospective AFAERE members are welcome to attend. At the AGM, we will finalize the election of the incoming AFAERE President who would takeover in January 2023. We will also elect two Council Members who will serve from 2021 to 2024. Only subscribed members as at the date of the AGM will be eligible to vote or be voted for. Please subscribe for membership easily using your bank card at our website - https://afaere.org/membership/membership-shop/ Please nominate candidates for "AFAERE President 2023-2024" and two [...]

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Covid-19


The start of the last decade (2020-2030) of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) faced the biggest global health challenge of the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic is a significant setback for the world’s ambition to achieve the SDGs, in particular for poor countries. While the reduction in carbon emissions due to the global lockdown and social distancing restrictions, are seen as a positive environmental impacts, the goal should be to restore economic activity without environmental degradation. Today, the global economy is still crippled by the ongoing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic, amidst progress made towards the vaccine rollout in various parts [...]

Green Jobs Assessment Models: INPUT- OUTPUT Analysis


The webinar exposes you to a very simplified way to measure the impact of green sectoral production initiatives. We will briefly discuss the Input-Output methodology and show you an example of how to carry out such an exercise using a recent country example. This webinar will benefit students and researchers who do not have any knowledge or skills in this methodology. PRESENTERS: Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu, Vice President, AFAERE Riad Sultan, Senior Lecturer: Economics, University of Mauritius ZOOM MEETING LINK: https://up-ac-za.zoom.us/j/97330702302?pwd=cDVaa3lkZWtLYTk2SjNwL1p0TEpxZz09 Meeting ID: 973 3070 2302 Passcode: 280561 Date: 26 May 15h00-17h00 (Central African Time)   Presentation slides https://drive.google.com/file/d/12OzYunjQVtB9cb5JJ0425YZhPs-CwLUw/view?usp=sharing  https://drive.google.com/file/d/10jrx-vviAHEj-kOISRatLhuu3BNzUQUM/view?usp=sharing  Webinar [...]

The African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) Inaugural Conference


The inaugural conference will be virtual from 2-4 August 2021. You are invited to submit theoretical and empirical papers in all areas of environmental and resource economics. Full papers are to be submitted to afaerecouncil@gmail.com. The deadline for paper submissions is 1 June 2021. The Scientific Committee will evaluate all submissions with the help of peer reviewers. The last notification of acceptance of papers is scheduled for 16 July 2021. The number of submissions per person is unlimited, but the maximum number of presentations in parallel sessions per person will be limited to two. Presenters must be duly registered for the Conference [...]

Informal Settlements and Sustainable Urban Development: towards a more inclusive urban agenda


Informal Settlements and Sustainable Urban Development: towards a more inclusive urban agenda Welcome to a webinar hosted by SLU Urban Futures and SLU Global. This webinar brings together international guests to explore the dynamics of rapid urbanization and environmental change in the context of informal settlements in the global south, asking how informal settlements form part of an inclusive and sustainable urban agenda. With the New Urban Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, ambitions to achieve sustainable urbanization are high. However, uneven development process and weak governance coupled with rapid urbanization and the dynamics of environmental change is driving the growth of informal [...]


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