Training on Writing Fundable Research Proposals 2022

Training on Writing Fundable Research Proposals 2022 Friday, 28 October 2022 at 14h00 South African (Central African Time (CAT)) AFAERE announces the 2022 training workshop on Fundable Research Proposal facilitated by Professor Wisdom Akpalu and call for research proposals to support graduate students and early career researchers during proposal development. The training workshop will cover all aspects of proposal development, from selecting ideas for a fundable research topic to identifying potential funders. Wisdom Akpalu obtained a PhD in Economics from Gothenburg University, Sweden. He is currently the Dean of the School of Research and Graduate Studies at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public [...]

4TH World Small-Scale Fisheries Congress Series Asia Pacific | North America | Europe | Latin America & The Caribbean | Africa

Gender Norms, Women’s Executive Function, and Anti-Poverty Programs: Experimental Evidence from India The congress theme for the 4WSFC AFRICA, ‘Leading by Examples: Leaderships for Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries,’ recognizes the many examples, lessons and experiences that individual, communities, governments, inter-governmental organizations, and other supporting institutions have in the efforts to build and enhance capacity for sustainable small-scale fisheries. The focus on “leaderships” is a tribute to the immense progress that has been made in the past decade by all sectors, in elevating the profile of small-scale fisheries and in advancing understanding about them. It is also meant to inspire more actions and […]

African Economic Conference 2022

African Economic Conference 2022 - Supporting Climate Smart Development in Africa 9-11 December 2022 - Port Louis, Mauritius The 2022 African Economic Conference (AEC), jointly organized by the African Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Africa, and the United Nations Development Programme will be held in Port Louis, Mauritius, from 9 to 11 December 2022. Since its inception in 2006, the AEC series has fostered research, policy dialogue, and the exchange of knowledge on a variety of challenges facing Africa. The theme of this year’s conference is “Supporting climate-smart development in Africa,” with a focus on the following four subthemes: Just energy transitions in African economies […]

5th National Global Change Conference

Welcome to the conference portal for the 5th National Global Change Conference 30 January 2023 - 2 February 2023 The central theme of the 5th National Global Change Conference is: “Research and Innovation Accelerating Transformations to Global Sustainability” The conference page will be updated frequently to reflect conference highlights such as guest and keynote speakers. Please take note of the following important dates: 31 October 2022 Closing date for submission to hold special session or side event 15 November 2022 Closing date for submission of extended abstracts 25 November 2022 Registration closes Click here to download and Application to Host […]

Randomized Controlled Trials in Environment and Development Economics


Randomized Controlled Trials in Environment and Development Economics Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs), also known as Randomized Evaluations, have gained increasing prominence as a methodology for evaluating policy impacts. In RCTs, researchers randomly assign study participants to one or more groups: the "treatment group," which receives the intervention, and the "control group", which doesn't. Researchers measure the outcome variables of interest in these groups to identify the impact of the treatment as the single mean difference between the treatment and control groups. RCTs also empower researchers and policymakers to tailor their research designs to address specific inquiries about program effectiveness and its […]


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