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October 2023



You are invited to the AFAERE scheduled webinar as follows; THE TRIPLE DIVIDENDS OF RESILIENCE: ASSESSING THE FULL BENEFITS OF CLIMATE ADAPTATION INVESTMENTS Oct 31, 2023 02:00 PM West Central Africa   REGISTER IN ADVANCE (ZOOM): https://bit.ly/TRIPLEDIVIDENDS After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


June 2023

Rest In Peace, Professor Rashid Mekki Hassan


  The African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) condoles the saddened loss of African Economist Professor Rashid Hassan with family, friends, and professional colleagues. Although Rashid’s life ended suddenly, his legacy and scientific contributions to environmental economics and natural resources management will remain. We celebrate his life and continue to recognize the role he dutifully played in training and building the capacity of African researchers in resource economics as well as in increasing recognition of African research institutions globally. In his teaching, writing, and engagement with policy, Rashid helped reshape the environmental policy field in the continent, addressing the [...]

Rest In Peace, Professor Rashid Mekki Hassan2023-06-06T03:20:29+02:00

December 2022

Bernard Manganyi presented his research at the annual Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference 2022


  Bernard Manganyi recently completed his Masters in Agricultural Economics at the University of Pretoria’s Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development and achieved a distinction for his dissertation. Manganyi chose to study Agricultural economics for many reasons. For one, it is a broad field that covers vast topics beyond agriculture. More specifically, finance and risk management, econometrics, and microeconomics, environmental and resource economics, environmental valuation, and policy to mention a few. He also believes that agriculture defines the future of the world, therefore, vibrant youth must be part of the sector to conduct research focused on advancing and [...]

Bernard Manganyi presented his research at the annual Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference 20222022-12-06T15:09:42+02:00

UP Presented At The 2022 AEASA Conference


  Several staff and students from the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development participated in the 59th Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) conference that took place in October 2022. The 2022 AEASA Conference, which took place in Namibia, focused on the topic, How recent value chain disruptions shaped agri-food systems in sub-Saharan Africa. This conference saw a number of noteworthy achievements, the first of which was that Dr Moraka Makhura, who is a lecturer in the department was made an honorary member of AEASA. The University of Pretoria was well represented by the staff and students who contributed posters and [...]

UP Presented At The 2022 AEASA Conference2022-12-07T04:02:40+02:00

August 2022

AEASA pays tribute to women in agricultural economics – featuring Dr Selma Karuaihe


The Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) recently released their 2022 August Newsletter which pays tribute to women who have made notable contributions to the field of Agricultural Economics. The newsletter features a recently published paper, "How women saved agricultural economics" by Susan Offutt and Jill McCluskey, who found that women have played a key role in ensuring the survival and relevance of agricultural economics. The latest AEASA newsletter profiles some of the remarkable women in the field, including Dr Selma Karuaihe, senior lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development, and President of African Association of [...]

AEASA pays tribute to women in agricultural economics – featuring Dr Selma Karuaihe2022-08-20T15:00:15+02:00

AFAERE President Dr Selma Karuaihe Shares Ideas on Collaboration With Other African Scholars


Dr Selma Karuaihe, President of The African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) had an opportunity to share some ideas on collaboration with Africa. AFAERE could be used as a platform with PW Chirwa of DePSS. A good initiative to strengthen multidisciplinary collaboration with rest of Africa  

AFAERE President Dr Selma Karuaihe Shares Ideas on Collaboration With Other African Scholars2025-01-12T16:10:33+02:00

May 2022

UP Vice Chancellor and Principal, Professor Tawana Kupe will be delivering a seminar live from Cornell University in the United States


The UP Vice Chancellor and Principal, Professor Tawana Kupe will be delivering a seminar live from Cornell University in the United States today, 07 April 2022. The seminar is titled “Global North-South Innovation for Equitable and Sustainable Partnerships, Capacity Strengthening, and Contributions Towards Addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” The two universities are working together to understand what is needed to produce adequate supplies of food and to maintain environmental conditions to ensure that the world’s living creatures can thrive. The seminar will start at around 20:00 South African Time.   To join the seminar, please copy and paste the following [...]

UP Vice Chancellor and Principal, Professor Tawana Kupe will be delivering a seminar live from Cornell University in the United States2022-05-03T02:09:40+02:00

April 2022

UP scientist, Selma Karuaihe, contributes to an open letter to the World Trade Organization to ban harmful fisheries subsidies


UP scientist, Selma Karuaihe, contributes to an open letter to the World Trade Organization to ban harmful fisheries subsidies. Presentation of Science letter to the WTO on 5 November 2021

UP scientist, Selma Karuaihe, contributes to an open letter to the World Trade Organization to ban harmful fisheries subsidies2022-04-03T03:20:53+02:00

Interview with Dr Selma Karuaihe from the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE)


1. Who or what is AFAERE? The African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE) is an international scientific association that was established in 2018. The first AFAERE Council was elected in 2018 and commenced its work in 2019 for two years until December 2020. The current Council took over in January 2021 under the leadership of Selma Karuaihe from the University of Pretoria as President. The Council governs the Association and consists of eight members. The Council consists of the following members: Dr Selma Karuaihe, South Africa (President); Prof Margaret Chitiga-Mabugu, South Africa (Vice-President); Prof Wisdom Akpalu, Ghana (Former President); [...]

Interview with Dr Selma Karuaihe from the African Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (AFAERE)2022-04-03T01:34:30+02:00


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