African Economic Conference 2022 – Supporting Climate Smart Development in Africa
9-11 December 2022 - Port Louis, Mauritius
The 2022 African Economic Conference (AEC), jointly organized by the African Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Africa, and the United Nations Development Programme will be held in Port Louis, Mauritius, from 9 to 11 December 2022.
Since its inception in 2006, the AEC series has fostered research, policy dialogue, and the exchange of knowledge on a variety of challenges facing Africa.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Supporting climate-smart development in Africa,” with a focus on the following four subthemes:
- Just energy transitions in African economies – moving from reliance on fossil fuels to clean energy resources; the appropriate energy mix for a financially and economically sustainable transition; policies and regulations that support the continent’s energy transition.
- Climate change and agriculture – climate change impacts on African livelihoods, particularly those of the rural population and farmers; adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector; modernization and private sector engagement for a sustainable agriculture sector; inclusion and inequalities in the context of climate change.
- Climate-smart industrialization of Africa – green industrial policies; efficient exploitation of natural resources for inclusive growth; maximizing the use of clean energy and green-production technologies while enhancing productivity.
- Climate-smart governance – inclusivity of financial and social policies around climate change, particularly for more vulnerable groups and fragile states; the relevance and responsiveness of climate change mitigation to the African landscape; the link between green financing and job creation for African women and youth.
Policy-oriented papers that are linked to the overall theme of the conference are of particular interest.
Interested authors should submit their papers to sends e-mail) by 30 August 2022. Only full papers addressing the conference theme will be considered for presentation. We encourage the submission of policy- and solution-oriented papers with strong empirical work. Authors are asked to submit their papers and register according to the following schedule
Action | Deadline |
Notification of acceptance | 15 October 2022 |
Last day of registration for presenters | 15 November 2022 |
Conference dates | 9-11 December 2022 |
Young African researchers are especially encouraged to submit their articles. One of the objectives of the AEC series is to provide young African researchers with an opportunity to share their work with a broader audience, and expand their networks.
All papers will be blind peer-reviewed by the co-organizing institutions. Only original, quality work will be accepted for presentation. A distinguished panel will assess the papers presented and award a prize to a young author whose work is deemed the best conference paper. The winner will be announced at the closing ceremony.
Authors should indicate whether they require support to cover expenses (travel, accommodation, and daily subsistence allowance) associated with their participation at the conference. Only one author per paper accepted for presentation will be eligible for sponsorship. Support is reserved mainly for presenters and young researchers from Africa. For further information, please read the 2022 African Economic Conference concept note.
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