Membership is open, even though the primary target is environmental and resource economists and allied researchers. Membership is subscription-based and it is categorized
Types of Membership
Honorary Members: These are nominated individuals and approved by the Council of the Association for their fundamental contribution to the Association
Regular Members: These are individual members whose application for membership was accepted by the Council of the Association
Student Members: These are graduate and undergraduate students whose application for membership was accepted by the Council of the Association
Institutional members: These are private and public institutions, with or without legal status, who are in support of the purpose of the Association and operate in the field associated to the objectives of the Association, by providing human, organizational or financial resources, whose application for membership was accepted by the Council of the Association
Benefits of Membership
Any and all members have the following rights, except as otherwise described in the AFAERE Constitution
To attend and participate in any meeting or event held by the Association
To participate in any Association activities
To vote candidates into office within the Association
To be voted into office within the Association